At Australia Wide Skiptracing Services, Our specialty is the location/skip tracing of hard-to-find debtors, persons of interest, addresses, phone numbers or other items that simply cannot be easily located using 'standard' skip tracing techniques. We have access to hundreds of search tools including our in-house tried and tested investigation methods.
Australia Wide Skiptracing Services has head offices in Adelaide, South Australia and Gold Coast, Queensland; We have experienced and licensed Staff and Field Representatives in both of these states, to ensure we achieve positive and successful outcomes. Our Team is regularly updated with all applicable laws, regulations, and compliance training, and remains professional, discreet, and compassionate to all persons involved in each matter.​
We have successfully established strong long standing relationships with experienced field agents Australia-wide and therefore work together to confidently achieve excellent results in your field calls, repossession, recovery or process service requirements. We also have a vast range of International agents who can assist with the Location/skip tracing of Persons of Interest or field agent matters outside of Australia.​​​
We pride ourselves on our ability to control the whole investigation or recovery process in-house from the start to finish. This includes the location/skip tracing of a person of interest, liaising between the customer/debtor and client by way of a field call, serving legal documents (Process Service), or collection of assets (Repossession).
If your enquiry is simply to have a phone number searched, address checked or an ABN/ASIC, Social Network search conducted or lands titles, we can do individual searches to tailor your needs also.
We are the one stop shop- that keeps the human touch in this industry!!